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Helpful information for the upcoming Referendum-April 1, 2025

There will be an operational referendum coming up on April 1, 2025 for the Black Hawk School District.
The referendum will be asking for $850,000 on a three-year non-recurring basis.
My job at this time is to provide you with accurate information so that you can make an informed decision when it comes to casting your vote on April 1. I am taking this opportunity to start the process of sharing information.  I will also be looking for opportunities to meet with individuals or groups of people to share information and answer questions. If you have any questions or would like me to meet with you or a group of community members, please let me know. My contact information is or (608) 234-1581.

School District of Black Hawk-25 Referendum-Campaign Practices

Per Member Revenue Limit

Staffing Comparisons

Fund Balance Definition

Mill Rates and Revenue Limits

District Mill Rate Listing (in order)

Mill Rate Comparisons


Sample Ballots